Thursday, March 2, 2017

Strong Families VS Crisis


      This week’s topic was really interesting to me, and I found some very important and applicable things. We talked about what is called a family crisis. I found it very interesting to learn what makes something a crisis, and how depending on our response will change the way things turn out. We learned about what they call the ABCX model. Here is a picture to help you understand the idea.

 A= the stressor, so whatever happens in our lives that causes stress or problems. These stressors are things such as loss of a job, moving, death or sickness of a loved one, natural disaster and so forth. There are a ton of different things that can put stress on a family; at times it is not just one thing, but a combination.
B= Resources and also response. So the resources we have available and what we do with those resources.
C= Cognition, or our definition of a problem. How many times do we think or say, “This is the worst thing that could ever happen!” Does our definition of a problem affect anything? You had better believe it!
X= The total experience.
     So what we learn is that we may not be responsible for A, but we can affect what X will be by our responses, but more importantly by our definition and attitude. Say we are moving, do we see it as a way our parents are trying to ruin our lives? Or do we see it as an opportunity to try something new and make new friends? The attitude of and reaction of each family member will determine if this stressor needs to turn into a full-blown crisis.
 I found this really interesting and pretty simple! We have always been taught that we are in control, but I feel like it is really highlighted in this idea. We can affect what happens to us, we may not control it happening, but we can control its effect on us!
            We also talked about what strong families do, or what families can do to be more resilient and strong when hard things happen. Some of the simple ideas are as follows:
·      Dinner together.
·      Have routines.
·      Accept each other, and all the different personalities.
·      They talk with each other; they explain things and help each other understand.
·      They are involved with each other’s lives.
·      They make sure to do activities together.
·      They affirm each other’s and their own worth.
·      They have a healthy network of friends and relatives.

    These are just some ideas of what we can do to safeguard our families from hardship, and help our families be strong enough to overcome trial and become stronger. I am sure we could all come up with many more ways to strengthen our families. So I would encourage all of us to come up with ways and ideas to make our families a stronger unit.
(I do not own images)

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