Thursday, February 2, 2017

Born This Way?

       This week we also discussed some sensitive subjects. Same gender attraction. Now I don’t mean to offend or hurt anyone with my thoughts. I simply wish to relate the things that I am learning. We discussed what science can and cannot explain. There is a lot of popular belief about this subject, which frankly is not true. There are many things that are popular that people accept as fact, that are not factual at all!  One of the common assumptions is that people who are homosexual are “born that way”. There is simply no definitive proof that that is true. There is no biological proof that people are born homosexual. A lot of the evidence points to circumstances in people’s lives that shape their choice to identify as gay. Now let me stop and say truthfully we don’t know exactly why someone has same gender attraction. It could be a mixture of biology, temperament, experiences, etc. I mostly want to provide links and resources for those who are curious, or concerned. I cannot articulate as well as the authors of the different studies and papers. I hope these things will be helpful. 
Understanding Same- Sex Attraction
Homosexuality: What Science Can and Cannot Say
Exotic Becomes Erotic: A developmental theory of same-sex attraction
The Exotic Becomes Erotic: Explaining the enigma of sexual orientation
Born that Way? Facts and fiction about Homosexuality
Special Report: Sexuality and Gender: Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences
Wasn't Born This Way. I Choose to be Gay. by Brandon Amborsinao.
Homosexuality and the Gospel with Ty Mansfield
   In the end one of the things that stuck out to me is that God loves us, and although we do not always understand the whys, we do know He will help us. He sent His Son Jesus Christ, to suffer and die for us. To understand all that we feel, we are never alone! If we choose to follow His gospel and have faith in Christ, He will help us! He will always be there to lift us up!

(I do not own images.)

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